Title 5 awesome life changing books that took me from unhinged to unstoppable

5 Awesome Life Changing Books That Took Me From Unhinged To Unstoppable!

If you are a single mum (or anyone), stuck in a bit of a life rut right now and wondering how you can change your life around, check out these 5 Awesome Life Changing Books That Took Me From Unhinged To Unstoppable.

I have been a mum for 17 years (almost 18), and for the majority of that time, I have gone it alone… completely alone. I’ve been in situations where I thought I would never recover from. And with 3 Neuro- Diverse children who have very different needs and very little support, life has definitely been a bit of a ride to say the least!

Mother and two children family riding a rollercoaster at an amusement park experiencing excitement, joy, laughter, and fun

For so much of my time as a single mum, I have lived my life just going with whatever it threw at me. Accepting whatever person came along and showed me attention (AS YOU CAN READ HERE, THAT NEVER ENDS WELL!). Accepting my poverty status as the norm, and accepting that people would never see me as anything more than just a Teenage Single Mum (that’s all I saw myself as too!)

Yes, I had my first child at 18 (despicable :eyeroll: ).

I have almost lost my home, I have struggled to put food on the table, I have gone through abusive relationships and friendships. And as a result, I have suffered from extreme Depression and Anxiety.

I have gone through so many life changes and have had so many traumas to process over the years because I just didn’t see myself as worthy of anything more. I was trash in my eyes, and society made sure I stayed that way for a while.

(please remember to seek help from a Dr or a Professional if you are feeling depressed or severely anxious. Do not use this info as a substitute for medical help!)

What Can these Life Changing Books do for you?

It is quite difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when things changed for me. I think it was a gradual change. I spoke about building momentum with your Money Mindset HERE. It is the same with any mindset change.

title Pic. top 3 finance podcasts that will elevate your money mindset

You need to build upon previous thoughts and blocks in order to build momentum and change your mindset!

I do a lot of top life changing books or podcasts etc, but that is how I learned new ways of thinking and looking at life. And that is how I took my self from Unhinged to Unstoppable.

I am not a life coach and nor do I pretend to be. All I can do is pinpoint you to the people who are qualified to teach you to take yourself from Unhinged to Unstoppable!

One of the very first books I read that had an impact on my mindset was

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert. T. Kiyosaki

That book inspired me to read more about personal finance and change they way I thought about money. From then, I started looking into other books and those books inspired me to read other books (before podcasts were much of a thing!)

Before I knew it, I was addicted to self development, Law Of Attraction and and finance! I mean there are worse things a Single Mum could be addicted to right?!

Don’t get me wrong, it has taken me Years to make a lot of changes and I still find my mindset slipping from time to time and I have to pick myself up and get myself back on track!

But that is life. It is full of ups and downs and sometimes it knocks you for six… the past few years have definitely been a tricky one for me to navigate. But I am now equipped with the tools to help me get back on track and back to an elevated state of thinking, and it is all thanks to these 5 Awesome Life Changing Books!

Beautiful woman by the sea at sunset.
feeling free after changing her life

5 Awesome Life Changing Books That Took Me From Unhinged To Unstoppable!

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. You can read our full disclosure here.)

Some of these books are older and some are more recent ones that I have Added to my Top book list! either way, they are all amazing!

1. The Secret- by Rhonda Byrne.

the secret, screenshot taken from my kindle. Books that will uplevel your life

This one had to be number 1 for obvious reasons. I am pretty sure this is most peoples very first introduction to The Law Of Attraction. In The Secret, Rhonda Byrne teaches you how to use the law of Attraction in every aspect of your life. From Money to Love to Happiness. it is a truly transformative read!


2. Grateful As F*ck- by Francesca Amber.

This is the newest one I have added to my list of Transformative books. Fran takes us through 22 days of gratitude to truly uplevel all aspects of our lives! She has an amazing podcast called Law Of Attraction Changed My Life too that comes out every Friday and you can follow her on Insta!


3. Positively Wealthy- by Emma Mumford.

This is a fantastic book for anyone who wants to create wealth and abundance in all aspects of their lives. Emma also has a fantastic podcast you can listen to called Spritual Queens Badass Podcast. Read the book and have a listen… you will be transformed, I promise!


4. Atomic Habits- by James Clear.

This is a fantastic one, especially if you feel overwhelmed by the thought of making big changes in your life, and then end up going further back than forwards! James shows you how making tiny (Atomic) habits, you can propel yourself soooo much further! This is one NOT to miss!!!


5. The Life Changing Magic Of Not Giving A Fuck- by Sarah Knight.

This is a fantastic LIFE CHANGING book. Sarah teaches you How to stop spending time you don’t have doing things you don’t want to do with people you don’t like! this is fab for people pleasers and those who over book themselves without giving a thought to their own needs. She eliminates the guilt of sayin ‘No!’ |So you can spend your time, energy and money, on the things that matter to you!


I hope you found these useful! Let us know below if you have anymore suggestions 🙂 Happy Reading!


4 responses to “5 Awesome Life Changing Books That Took Me From Unhinged To Unstoppable!”

  1. I’ve read two of the books you’ve recommended. Looking forward to reading a few others. Especially the Secret. It’s such a classic and I still havent put my hands on it.

    1. That’s Amazing! I hope you get around to it soon

  2. Thank you for these great book suggestions. These align well with some of my resolutions this year. I’ll be checking them out for my next book.