title Pic. top 3 finance podcasts that will elevate your money mindset

Top 3 Finance Podcasts That Will Elevate Your Money Mindset

Did you know that one of the main reasons we stay stuck in the perpetual cycle of bad money habits and limited funds, is because we have a warped view of Money. Read on to find out my Top 3 Finance Podcasts That Will Elevate Your Money Mindset!

Trendy colorful portrait of stylish young woman in headphones listening to music with phone and blowing her lips sends air kiss on pink background- listening to financial podcasts that will elevate your money mindset

It doesn’t matter how much we hustle. It doesn’t matter how much we budget. If we don’t change the way we think about our money, and money in general, we will always be stuck with limiting beliefs on how much we can earn and how much money we can have in our bank accounts.

How Can Changing The Way You Think About Money, Change your Finances?

Changing your thoughts and mindset around anything can have a major impact on the way you think and behave. It can also change the decisions you make and you will begin to see opportunities and doors will open that seemed non- exsistent before.

Before we jump right into these Top 3 Finance podcasts that Will Elevate Your Money Mindset, lets take a look at how a shift in money mindset can change the decisions you make.

Scenario One: Before listening to these top 3 Financial Podcasts That Will Elevate Your Money Mindset!

You are sitting in your kitchen, scrolling through blogs about side hustles and ways to earn extra cash. You read of all these Amazing women making tonnes of extra cash and even quitting their day jobs. But you are sitting in a state of lack and despair, worried that you cannot pay the bills.

You have the mindset that money comes in and instantly disappears. You don’t see yourself as worthy, or capable of making or keeping money.

Your brain will also likely start telling you that its all a load of rubbish. No one actually makes money like this. And I am guessing you probably think that there is a limited amount of money in the world.

So you don’t start. or maybe you start but because you don’t belive it will work, you don’t put much effort in. Therefore you prove to yourself that you are not able to make money.

New mindset and new results text on notebook on wooden table with coffee cup and paper rocket. Business concept of positive thinking and motivation- finance podcasts that will elevate your money mindset

Scenario Two: After Listening to these Top 3 Podcasts that Will Elevate Your Money Mindset!

You are scrolling through those same blogs and articles. Your heart rate increases with the excitement in the potential of these amazing and wonderful ideas for making some extra cash.

You are sitting in the belief that there is an unlimited amount of money in the world and you are creative and worthy enough to tap into it. thinking of all the amazing and clever women before you who have taken themselves from poverty to success seemingly overnight.

You are in tune with the flow of money coming in and out of your life and are grateful for it.

So you find an idea that lights up your soul, you do your research and you put you heart and soul in to making those extra bucks.

Now, because you started your research and maybe you put yourself in new and exciting situations, another door opens, there is more potential to earn more money.

Your bank account starts looking healthier. You become more and more excited when you see your bank balance. Your level of gratitude towards money increases, more doors and opportunities open up for you…

Do you see how the momentum keeps building.

It all started with an elevated money mindset!

How Do You Uplevel Your Money Mindset?

I am not a money or finance expert… let me just clear that up. Neither am I a coach. But by transforming my money mindset my life has been exponetially elevated from Unhinged to Unstoppable!

focused young ethnic woman with credit card and laptop

It took me a while. It started with these 5 Books guaranteed to transform your finances. And then as I built momentum and got further drawn in and excited about the possibilities, I came across these Top Podcasts that will elevate your money mindset.

Elevating your money mindset as a Single Mum can be particularly difficult. Having 3 Children with additional needs and very little support has meant that my journey has taken longer. I have had to put in A LOT of hard work to transform my mindset.

But the payoff is so much better than i could ever imagine!

There are waaaay more that 3 amazing Financial Podcasts, but here are the ones that really elevated my way of thinking about money. These were not the first Podcasts that I came across either. I listened to a tonne of different ones, but these are the ones I listen to every week.

In my opinion there can never be too many people teaching about money and financial education as everyone teaches things differently and what I may relate to, you may not.

So it is important to use this list as a little starter and see what doors open from there!

Happy business woman meditating under money rain

Top 3 Financial Podcasts That Will Elevate Your Money Mindset

Disclaimer: I do not gain any money or receive any incentives from spotify.

1. It’s Not About The Money- Catherine Morgan

Catherine Morgan is a qualified Financial planner and money coach. She makes it her mission to teach women practical money management and how to become financially resilient. She will also teach you how to gain back control of your money with confidence!

It is definitely worth it. LISTEN HERE!

I was so drawn in to her teachings, that I also have her book as you can read here!

Title: 5 books guaranteed to transform your mindset as a single mum. white background with a pink piggy bank at the side

2. Financial Feminist: Her First $100k- Tori Dunlap

Tori Dunlap is one of my favourites, she is not afraid to say it how it is and it works!!! She teaches us how to (in her words!):

“Feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men!”

Tori Dunlap.

Tori does a lot of special guest interview which provides you with such a variety of different views and resources to guide you into saving more, spending less and gaining Financial freedom!


3. Chill & Prosper- Denise Duffield Thomas

Denise Duffield Thomas teaches you how to be a Chillpreneur! She guides us on all things money mindset and how there is always an easier way to make money- great for a mindset upgrade!

Denise gives fantastic advise on how to make more money whilst cutting out the hustle and grind culture!

Go ahead and LISTEN HERE you wont be disappointed!

Let us know what you think of this top 3 finance podcasts that will elevate your money mindset!


4 responses to “Top 3 Finance Podcasts That Will Elevate Your Money Mindset”

  1. Love the list of financial podcasts in this post! I’ve heard about Denise Duffield Thomas and got to give her podcast a try.

  2. I’m definitely saving this post to check out these podcast thanks for sharing!

    1. That’s fab, thank you. I am glad you got something from it 🙂

  3. Great recommendations.