picture of woman typing. green blanket in corner. cosy. text overlay reads: single mums:why you should start a blog today

Single Mums: Why You Should Start A Blog Today

Calling all single mums who are looking to start an online business now! Have you considered starting a blog? There are so many fantastic reasons why starting a blog could be the perfect business opportunity for you! Stick with me to find out why you should start a blog as a single mum!

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Some people think that blogging is dead now, with the influx of social media platforms, but I am here to tell you that starting your own blog is still a great way to begin your journey to having a profitable online business.

There are so many successful bloggers out there, and blogging is so versatile. There are many different niches and ways to monetise, so there is very likely to be a way you can use your skills and unique perspective to build an amazing money making blog!

Find The Niche For You

​Trust me, there is an almost unlimited amount of niches out there that people are already profiting off of. And don’t think that you need to reinvent the wheel either! Just because someone else is already doing something in the niche you think you will choose there is no space for you! I am telling you that there is room for everyone.

Just do a quick research on blogging blogs, parenting blogs, travel blog! I guarantee you will come up with hundreds of results for the same one. The point is that everyone has a different perspective, a different angle, maybe a different sub niche.

The trick is to find something that you are passionate about, do your research and get writing. If you find you really don’t enjoy it then there is nothing to stop you from pivoting in the early stages.

You Don’t Need An English Degree

The good news is, that you also do not need to have top notch writing skills to build a profitable blog. If you can string words together and type, that is enough for now.

The point is, start getting your voice out there. Your writing will improve over time. But as blogging is quite casual and it is up to entirely on the tone of your blog, you really do not need to an English degree to get started.

That said, I am not going to sit here and lie to you… that is not what I am about!

Blogging As A Hobby Or A Job?

Building a profitable blog takes time and a lot of hard work! Making money from your blog will not happen overnight, so do not buy into any course that try to tell you that is possible if you follow their routine!

Yes, there are some great ways to grow your blog quickly and gain website visitors faster. But we are still talking months, sometimes years. but don’t let that put you off. If you start today, just imagine where you and your blog will be in a years time!

Even if you just aim to start a personal blog and keep it as a hobby, some of these reasons to start still apply. As you will see, blogging can add so much enrichment to many areas of your life!

Like I have mentioned, there are many great reasons why you should start a blog. But First Lets first look at some of the main reasons people start a blog.

  • To Gain Financial Freedom on their own terms
  • To build a personal brand
  • To make a difference to other people’s lives
  • To share their personal experiences

Let’s take a look further in to these reasons first.

To gain financial freedom

Many people start their blog to become their own boss and gain financial freedom. Monetizing a blog does definitely have the potential to earn you some serious bucks!

There are so many different ways people are monetizing. They do this with Affiliate marketing, Running Ads, Selling an online course, Selling E-books, Selling printables, selling physical items by combining their blog with an online store.

I told you it was versatile!

To Build A Personal Brand

picture of woman typing. green blanket in corner. cosy. text overlay reads: single mums:why you should start a blog today

Maybe you already have a social media following. Creating a blog to go along side this can really help you to build your online presence and create a personal brand. Also Social media can disappear at any moment. i cannot see facebook or instagram going into liquidation any time soon, but you never know. So having your own little bit of online real estate will protect your brand a little if it does!

​Making A Difference To Peoples Lives

Maybe you want to start a business that will benefit others. Have you been through some hard times and have found the best way to pull yourself out? Share that knowledge with others who may be in that situation now. Inspire them to make the changes that you did! Maybe you have a skill that you can teach people? Zone in on that and teach it to others, this gives you peace in knowing that you are helping others as well as helping yourself financially.

Sharing Personal Experiences

This is simailar to the reason above! Sharing your experiences will enable you to connect with like-minded people and build your own little community. this is great if you feel quite isolated, or maybe you just do not know anyone who is into the same things that you are. i bet you, there is someone out there on the world wide web that is looking for someone to connect with!

​More of the best reasons why you should start a blog!

There are so many reasons to start a blog that go beyond just making money and creating a business! Of course that is a fantastic bonus, but just take a look the other benefits that you will gain from making blogging your new hobby or career!

pinterest pin: flowers and a laptop. text overlay reads: single mums: why you should start a blog today

Creative Outlet

Writing is a brilliant creative outlet. You can really take yourselves and others to new worlds and evoke new emotions and new feelings with writing. i find writing incredibly therapeutic. So if you feel called to write (even if your are not the next stephen king), then it is an excellent way to begin a creative career.

Learn New Skills

If you are aiming to create a profitable blog, then you will soon find out that blogging goes far beyond just creating high-quality content. You will learn skills such as search engine optimization, email marketing, time management, social media account management, website building (I am not fab at this last one!)

Since starting my blog, I have managed to teach myself so many new skills. It gives me a sense of pride when i look at what I have achieved when I had absolutely no tech skills, even if it isnt the best of the best, i couldnt have done it a year or two ago!

Improves Your Writing Skills

happy young ethnic woman writing article in cozy workplace

As I said before, you do not need to be the next stephen king to start a blog. But once you do get started, you will be writing weekly, if not daily, which means that you will be making small improvements all the time! After all practice makes perfect!

Builds Confidence

The amount of confidence you will gain from writing your first blog will be enough to keep you going! keep writing those blog posts and your confidence to share your opinions and your knowledge will soar! i know that starting my blog has allowed me to finally find my voice and start standing up for myself more. I am now much more confident in my knowledge of things and i am not afraid to put my opinions out there!

It’s So Much Fun

Yes, blogging is hard work, but it is also sooooo much fun! Trust me, I have never been so excited to sit down and work all day! I have met some amazing new people, whether that is fellow single mums or bloggers. i have learned so many new things about tech, the online world and most importantly about myself! Blogging is fun!