woman with blonde hair looking back at the camera holding a glass of chanpagne

Single Mums: Why You Should Learn To Love Your Money

When I say the words “Learn to Love Your Money.” How does that make you feel? Does it make you cringe? Or does it fill you with excitement? As Single Parents, taking care of your personal finances is probably high up on your list of priorities. But if you are still cringing when I talk about loving your money, You may have some work to do on your money mindset to start living the life you truly desire!

Most of us will say: “Money is not the most important thing in the world!” And whilst that is correct, our children, our friends and families, our health are essentially the most important things in world!

But… having Financial Freedom sure does make a difference in how you can spend your time and the quality of life you live!

Pinterest pin woman in pink jacket smiling on the phone whilst walking through  a street. Text overlay reads: single mums why you should learn to love your money

Your children are more than likely the most important things in your life. But when you are struggling for money or working all the hours under the sun to make ends meet… are you spending as much time with them as you would like? This is not a judgment post at all! I have been there myself! And I am not for one minute suggesting everyone should be stay at home Mums!

But having financial freedom and a love for the money you have, will enable you to spend much more time with the ones you love, doing the things you all love!

Why You Must Learn To Love Your Money

Money Makes the world go round right? It is what we all need to survive in this crazy and unpredictable life. As stated above, there are more important things in life than money.

But having money issues can cause a significant amount of stress. And let’s face it, single Mums do not need any extra stress!

Creating a healthy relationship with your money will:

  1. Reduce stress
  2. Help you Reach your Financial Goals
  3. Help you reach your personal goals
  4. Make better money decisions
  5. Help you to build wealth and a healthy net worth
Pinterest pin: woman holding a fan of money with pink background. text overlay reads: single mums: why you should learn to love your money

The financial decisions we make determine our financial success. But where are your Financial decisions coming from? If you found my opening statement “Learn to love your money.” Makes you cringe then chances are you have a Poor Money Mindset.

Poor Money Mindset

Are the Financial decisions you make coming from a place of Lack, Limitation and fear?

there are so many reasons why we may have a poor money mindset. I, for my whole life, until a few years ago was taught that I was meant to stay in poor because I was born ‘poor’. there was no thinking outside the box to better your situation, you got a job, got on with it and didn’t complain. There was no encouragement to better yourself!

Growing up I heard the quote:

“Money is the root of all evil!”

This quote was banded around as though it was gospel. It was what most people thought! We were surrounded by stories of rich people being bad and evil people.

So it is no wonder that we created a block around the fear of money… it’s evil after all.

Growing up with these limitations and mindsets, I was made to believe that the only way to make money was to work a dead end job that paid little until the day I died.

In fact, It wasn’t until my own Dad passed away before he even retired, after working a job he hated for years on end, that I realised surely there was more to life than this!

You need to look at your limiting money blocks in order to work through these limitations and Fears and create better money habits to get you to a place where you feel love and joy when you are thinking about and working on your finances.

Working on your money mindset and Love Of money will nurture a much more healthy relationship with money. Not only that, but it will instil a much better money mindset into your children!

What Can You do To Learn To Love Your Money?

Now that we have cleared up why you must learn to love your money. We need to look at how. There are many ways in which you can learn to love your money and here are some of my favourites.

Having A Money Date On A Regular basis

Having a money date on a regular basis can have major positive effects on your money mindset and help you to learn to love your money!

Every week I sit and go through my finances and check that everything is in order. It helps me to check that nothing has gone amiss and I am on track with my goals!

Check out my post Here to find out why Having A Regular Money Date Will Uplevel Your Finances!

African American woman smiling whilst looking at her laptop on a money date

Nurture Your Abundance Money Mindset

Are you making financial decisions from a place of abundance, gratitude and respect for money?

Money is infinite, although we have often been conditioned to believe otherwise. When we set our Financial Goals from a place of abundance and gratitude, you are far more likely to make better financial decisions.

Catherine Morgan speaks a lot about releasing money blocks in her book It’s Not about the money.

Get your Kindle Edition or Paperback copy!

Positive Money Conversation

Having positive money conversations is a great way to raise your abundance mindset and subsequently raising your money mindset! This doesn’t only go for your money conversations with others, but how to speak to yourself about money.

Also, be aware of the conversations and the way people around you speak about money.

Who we surround ourselves with and how they think can have a huge effect on how we feel. And that goes for money too. 

Look for ways to surround yourself with business owners and entrepreneurs. As well as making some new friends it will help you to create a new relationship with money. I joined Facebook groups for Mumpreneurs, meet up groups for women in business etc.

So if you don’t have people immediately around you, there are still ways you can surround yourself with the right people.

man wearing white top in front of woman wearing blue long sleeved top

Take a look at these Financial resources

Having the right financial resources can make a massive difference in how you enjoy, or don’t enjoy spending time with your finances. I don’t know about you, but just looking a simple spreadsheet doesn’t light up my soul! 

Here you will find a list of my Top 3 Money Apps which have had a significant effect on how I view and use money!

pinterest pin: hand holding money objects on pink background. text overlay reads: 3 amazing money apps every single mum needs

And if these money apps are not for you or you are more of a pen and paper type of person then get yourself a money journal. I personally love journaling. That is how I first started tracking my money and it had a great impact with the excitement I felt when going through my finances. I love this Legend planner!

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

Nurturing a loving and healthy relationship with your money is no different that any other relationship.

It will take time to eliminate old money beliefs and habits and get into new routines with your money management. There will be times when you do still make financial mistakes and that is ok.

As long as you make a promise to keep working on your money mindset, you will be able to get yourself back on track.

Learn To Love Your Money

So you can see from above learning to love your money isn’t as crazy as it sounds! There are spiritual components as well as practical ways in which you too can draw in abundance and financial security into your life!

You need to get to the heart of these issues and money blocks and then you can begin to fall in love with your money again!


2 responses to “Single Mums: Why You Should Learn To Love Your Money”

  1. Love this! Great information.

    1. Great! Thank you 🙂