A Simple Morning Routine For Single Mums That Actually Works

I may be stating the obvious, but a well-organized morning routine can make a massive difference in how the rest of your day pans out. For single mums, establishing a consistent and efficient morning routine can seem impossible at times, but it is crucial to ensure a smooth start to the day for both you and your children. So today I will share with you some simple tips and strategies to help you create your own morning routine for single mums that will make everything run a little more smoothly.

Why Do You Need A Morning Routine For Single Mums?

I don’t know about you, but I am the type of person who needs slow mornings… I cannot function on high alert, I cannot rush, and run about as soon as I wake up. I used to do that all the time and you know what? I started everyday with a major headache!

My alarm would be set for an hour before we left the house (If i hadn’t already been woken up by a feral child!), I would roll out of bed and immediately run around making breakfasts, gathering clothes, dragging the kids out of bed (the ones who hadn’t already woken up at the crack of dawn that is!), packing lunches, snacks swimming clothes. The kids would look moderately ok, I on the other hand looked like I had been on a 3 day bender- I promise, I had not!

We would rock up at the school only just making it in time and then I would spend the rest of my day with a raging headache!

Something had to change. I had to figure out a way to get my shit together and actually function in the mornings!

So I set out to find a routine that worked for me!

Like I said before, I like slow mornings, I need to drink my coffee in peace and savour the quiet before the storm. You however may not… everyone is different.

Similarly everyone timelines and responsibilities/ priorities are different, so I am not going to tell you what time to wake up!

But below I will share some simple tips that have helped to make things run a little bit smoother and allow me that quiet cup of coffee!

So here goes…

1. Prepare the Night Before

One of the best ways (and probably most obvious) to streamline your mornings is to prepare as much as possible the night before:

  • Clothing: Lay out your and your children’s clothes for the next day. This eliminates the need to make decisions in the morning.
  • Lunches and Snacks: Pack lunches and snacks the night before. Store them in the fridge so they’re ready to grab and go.
  • School Bags: Make sure school bags are packed with homework, books, and any necessary supplies.

2. Wake Up Early

I said i wasn’t going to tell you when to wake up, and I am not. But Waking up before your children gives you some quiet time to start your day peacefully- if you are still in the 4 am baby club or have kids with additional needs, this one may not be so simple as you are probably already awake. So adjust as necessary. If you can reason with your kids, or your not completely against electronics, let them watch tv for half hour so you can wake up slowly. This little bit of you time is so precious and can be used in anyway you see fit. Such as:

  • Personal Time: Use this time for activities that help you feel centered, such as a quick workout, meditation, or enjoying a cup of coffee.
  • Planning: Review your schedule for the day, prioritize tasks, and ensure you’re mentally prepared for what’s ahead.

3. Simplify Breakfast

Mornings can be hectic, so having quick and healthy breakfast options ready can save you time. here are some that have worked for me:

  • Overnight Oats: Prepare oats the night before with fruits and nuts. They’re ready to eat in the morning.
  • Smoothies: Pre-pack smoothie ingredients in freezer bags. Blend them in the morning for a nutritious start.
  • Breakfast Burritos/ muffins: Make and freeze breakfast burritos. Reheat them for a quick and filling meal.

4. Set a Consistent Schedule

A consistent routine helps your children (and your drowsy morning brain) know what to expect every single day, making mornings less chaotic:

  • Regular Wake-Up Time: Establish a set wake-up time for you and your children. Consistency helps regulate their internal clocks- admittedly for those of us with ND children this one doesn’t always apply- so see above!
  • Morning Tasks: Create a checklist of morning tasks for your children, such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, and having breakfast. Visual schedules can be helpful for younger children- my house was so full of visual aids when they were younger. It was almost like a treasure hunt when they went from room to room reading the instructions!

5. Create a Calm Environment

It is very well known that a calm and organized environment can reduce stress and help everyone stay focused. But when your a single mum you may need to put in a bit of work to create one:

  • Declutter: Keep the areas you use in the morning free of clutter. An organized space helps you move efficiently.
  • Positive Atmosphere: Play calming music or use a gentle alarm clock to wake up. Encourage a positive start to the day with kind words and encouragement.

Creating a simple morning routine for single mums conclusion

Creating a morning routine that works for you and your children takes a bit of planning and consistency, but believe me, the benefits are well worth the effort. By preparing the night before, waking up early, simplifying breakfast, maintaining a consistent schedule, and fostering a calm environment, you can ensure smoother, less stressful mornings. even when you are going it alone as a single mum!