woman sat on top of a piggybank with a ladder. transform your finances as a single mum

These 5 Books will Transform Your Finances As A Single Mum

pinterest Pin: woman holding money. Text overlay reads: 5 books guaranteed to change your finances

Are you ready to take control of your financial future and gain financial independence like a boss? As a single mum, money and finances can be one of the most stressful and important worries in our lives. We often have a whole house to run, bills to pay, food to buy, childcare, clubs, lessons… and no support. Some of us are also trying to do all of this whilst struggling along with little to no money, or at least just about enough money to survive, so If that’s you then keep reading and I will show you how these 5 books will transform Your Finances.

Although when we are this situation and we have a poor money mindset, it can be difficult to imagine that there is a way out!

Don’t panic, I am not about to try and sell you any Nutty get-rich-quick schemes!!!

As women, we are often not taught enough about personal finance. At least not in the right way or the same way as men. As a matter of fact, most of us are just about taught the basics of personal finance!

So we have no choice but to take complete control of our own financial literacy and teach ourselves. The best way we can do this is by looking at how other people have gained financial success. How they are building wealth and have taken control of their financial life.

There have been times in my life where Me and my children were surviving off of not very much money at all! As well as not having very much money in the first place, I had absolutely no Financial education. I had some very bad money habits and made some very poor financial decisions.

It wasn’t always this dyer, but there have been times when:

I haven’t been able to eat, just so my children can…

Haven’t paid rent so my children can eat…

Got my self into debt just so we could survive…

Yes, times have been hard!

Fast forward a few years…

I now live a life where I run my own business…

Always have food in my cupboards…

I live in a beautiful home (and can pay the rent each month!)….

And amazingly….

I can eat too…

I now live a life of abundance and prosperity!

I’m ashamed to say I knew nothing about money in those dark days. No one had taught me money management, I knew nothing about money mindset, and debt was just something normal… I didn’t see the problem with it.

This lack of financial literacy and a poor money mindset led to me taking out more credit cards than anyone should even be allowed to have, wracking up thousands of £££ of bad debt and losing a lot of money!

I speak more about this in my post 3 Money apps every single mum needs where I show you the most fantastic money apps that are Guaranteed to transform your finances.

pinterest pin: hand holding money objects on pink background. text overlay reads: 3 amazing money apps every single mum needs

I was convinced that this was normal life, struggle and poverty were just what I was dealt and had to accept it!

So what changed?

I was sat in the local library with my 3 children, as lovely as it sounds, it was the middle of the summer holidays and that was the only activity I could afford… it was free!

As my children were listening to the stories and choosing their books for the week, I came across Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I can’t explain why it caught my eye as it was not my cup of tea- (Thank you universe!)

I had never read a Financial or money book in my life!

But I flicked through and read a few pages whilst my children were doing their thing and I was hooked!

I checked the book out and devoured it over the next few days.

My whole mindset towards money started to change.

I realised that there was more to money than I realised! After reading that one book, I was hooked on educating myself financially. I was at the library each week checking out a new book and each one gave me more and more motivation to come up with a Financial plan, set financial goals, and create better money habits. It really was the beginning of my financial journey!

I didn’t then become rich over night, or change my circumstances instantly! That is not possible! But through these various books, I learned about the psychology of money and took on the financial experts practical advice. This over time led me to a place of Financial security.

This did take me a long time but I am here to support you to transform your finances!

5 Books That Will Transform Your Finances As A Single Mum

So here I have compiled a reading list of the 5 best books that will transform your finances and take you from broke to blessed!

Pinterest Pin: womans hand holding a wad of cash. text overlay reads 5 books guaranteed to transform your finances

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It’s not about the money: 3 Steps to become a wealthy woman- Catherine Morgan

Catherine Morgan is a qualified financial planner and coach who inspires and motivates women to reach financial empowerment!

it's not about the money book by catherine morgan. this book will transform your money mindset.

It’s not about the money was so insightful and really helped me to reframe my money beliefs. plus, She is a Mum herself, therefore she knows the struggles well and is a perfect starter for single mums to start changing their circumstances.


Get Rich Lucky Bitch: Release your money blocks and live a first class life- Denise- Duffield Thomas

Get rich lucky bitch was a real fun read. I always thought finance and money books had to be boring… Well, I have been proved wrong!

Denise is a money mindset mentor for female entrepreneurs.

Get rich luck bitch by denise duffield thomas. On a kindle proped against a vase of flowers. books that will transform your finances

She helps women to release their fear of money (lets face it, money can be scary at times) and take that control back of their finances.


Clever girl finance: Ditch debt, save money and build real wealth- Bola Sokunbi

Now, I haven’t gotten around to reading Clever Girl Finance just yet, but the reviews from fellow single mums are astounding.

It’s on my TBR list!

Bola Sokunbi teaches us how to ditch the debt, save money and build real wealth, empowering all women to take control and own their personal finance.

It is apparently lighthearted and easy to follow.

She shows women how they can build and grow for their future, which is oh so important for us single parents.


Money: A love story: untangle your financial woes and create the life you really want- Kate Northrup

Money: A love story, is the perfect book for you to dive deep in to your relationship with money.

Kate takes you through her own journey of clearing $20,000 worth of debt and creating financial freedom for herself before the age of 30!

What I love about this is there are step-by-step activities to help you change your own perceptions around money and wealth by addressing both the emotional and practical aspects.

This is one you definitely want to dive into, whether you are a high earner or struggling to get by!


Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!- Robert. T. Kiyosaki

This is the only book on this list not written by a woman, but it wouldn’t feel right not including it as it was what initiated my journey!

This is the #1 personal finance book.

Robert has helped so many people shift their beliefs around money and wealth. He busts myths such as the need to be a high earner to be rich, and shows you how you can really make your money work for you!


I promise it will be a game changer!

And that’s it…

This is just a very small compilation of my own personal favourites. There are so many more books out there that will literally change your life, uplevel your money mindset and transform your finances!

If you have any other suggestions for myself and other readers, the please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below… We would love to hear from you!


2 responses to “These 5 Books will Transform Your Finances As A Single Mum”

  1. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve read none of these. But adding a few to my “to read” list on Goodreads. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. Will have to check these out. Thanks for sharing.