Female sitting on a yellow couch using laptop and internet connection and smile. Happy woman in indoor technology leisure activity. Social media life account concept. Adult Lady writing on computer creating passive income

5 Fantastic Passive Income Ideas That Will Help You Gain Financial Freedom whilst you sleep

As Single Mums we all need some extra cash… TBH most adults in this climate need some extra cash. But what if I told you that you could make this money in your sleep? Seriously, you can make money whilst your snoozing in your bed! No more 9-5 slog, no more rushing here there and everywhere with these 5 passive income ideas, you really can! And although there is some effort involved, it’s not as difficult as you may think!

I speak a lot about upleveling your money mindset and part of that upleveling needs to be around how you earn your money! You do not need to be earning money in a job you do not like nor care about. You do not need to be spending more than your earning on childcare fees. There are infinite ways of making money in this world and there is an infinite amount of money to be earned!

Empower Yourself - making a conscious decision to take charge of your destiny, text concept on card create passive income to become financially free

Empower Yourself by becoming not only Financially independant, but financially Free! Literally the sky is the limit, you just need to allow your mind to tap into it and start thinking outside of the box that society places us in where we believe this isn’t true! or at least isn’t true for us! It is and I will show you how!

What is Passive income?

In my post 18 Side Hustle Ideas For Super Savvy Single mums, I showed you how you can make cash on the side, there are some fantastic Ideas in there, you should go and check them out! But most of them required consistent ongoing work. Passive income is where you put in the effort ands the work for a short period and then the money keeps rolling in!

Title:18 super savvy side hustle ideas you should start now

Let me just clarify, these are not GET RICH QUICK schemes! They do not work and you will never make real money with those! passive income still requires effort, just not sustained effort!

You set something up and then you sit back. Yes you need some skills, but as single mothers, we have more skills than we even realise so do not try telling me you cannot do this! You 100% can do at least one thing on this list!

1. Publish an e-Book

Do you have a story to tell? Maybe you have always had a love of reading or writing? Why not start making some money from it? Self publishing has become so much easier over the years thanks to amazon.

person holding person holding kobo e reader

With Kindle Direct Publishing e-Books have become one of the top way to bring in passive income as it has never been easier to create and upload a book to start making money.

Now that being said, I would be lying if I said that writing a book was easy. It is not! But it is fun! And once it is done pop it on KDP, start it out as free and market the hell out of it! once you have a few reads and reviews, you can then start upping the price and before you know it, the money will be rolling in in your sleep.

2. Sell Digital products

Do you already own a blog? Or maybe an Etsy store? if not its easy enough to set one up! If not, why? You are missing out on some serious opportunities!

Blogging is a fantastic way to make money…. but If you haven’t already noticed, I haven’t put it down as a passive income in its own right… because blogging take time and effort… but some of the ways you can monetise your blog are passive… like digital products!

You create a digital product within your niche. It could be a digital journal or finance tracker… anything really. Pop it on your blog with a sales page, put it out there to the world and there you have it, people are buying it whilst your sleeping!

3. Affiliate Marketing

Again this is great if you already have a blog that has a good stream of traffic, or a large following on social media. But even if not, then get started today.

Pick a good niche and start selling. Amazon Associates is a great place to start, as is Shareasale! They are good for beginners with not a lot of traffic or followers until you can move on up to the bigger ones.

Even some brands will offer affiliate programmes. If you have established a niche already then there is no harm in asking!

4. Dropshipping

With the likes of Shopify its simple to set up your own store! Again a common theme with all of these ideas is Niche down. You have to find a niche! You can’t just sell anything and everything (well, you can its just a lot more difficult!).

Female sitting on a yellow couch using laptop and internet connection and smile. Happy woman in indoor technology leisure activity. Social media life account concept. Adult Lady writing on computer creating passive income

You need a specific niche and then find products to fulfil that niche! Drop shipping is great as the start up costs are minimal! it is great for those of us who don’t have access to a large storage area too as with drop shipping, you don’t hold products.

You are essentially the middle man. The customer orders and the product, you send the order to the distributer and they ship it out! Simple! Obviously, again you need to put in the work to get up and running and market your business so people will buy from you. But then the money will be rolling in with minimal effort from you!

5. Create A Course

if you are an expert in your field, or maybe you are a blogger or a coach, then course creation is 100% the way to go! It is a fab way to make passive income. If you know how to do something that other people want to do, then show them how!

I love this idea as yes you are making money in your sleep providing it is not an in person course, but you are also helping people. teaching is so rewarding and it doesn’t just need to be in the classroom! not these days! You can teach from anywhere.

Also it could be an email course, or a video course. If, like me you are an introvert and don’t wish to show your face, then there is no need to! I bet there is something you could teach someone. It could be writing, art, crafts, cooking, or coaching. Put your mind to it and you will find something!

So what Will You Do?

There you have it. 5 ways of making money whilst you sleep! There are so many more ways of making passive income too! With the right mindset I am sure you can make them work for you! let us know in the comments if you are going to try any of these ideas or maybe you have a few more of your own!


6 responses to “5 Fantastic Passive Income Ideas That Will Help You Gain Financial Freedom whilst you sleep”

  1. I love this post! Great information.

  2. This is a great, informative read! And such a beautiful site 🙂

    1. Thank you! I am so glad you have enjoyed the post and the site 🙂

  3. Great passive income ideas! I’ve been thinking to write an e-book related to my niche and the only thing I need to get started is to carve out time every day. Lovely read!

    1. Fantastic! Definitely go for it!