woman with yellow flowers on her head with her eyes closed and listening to headphones: Guided meditations for healing a broken heart

5 Amazing Guided Meditations To Heal Your Broken Heart

Pinterest pin: Woman meditating. Text overlay reads: 5 amazing guided meditations to heal your broken heart

Have you ever considered using the magic of guided meditations to heal your broken heart? Are you desperately looking for something that will softly guide you in your healing process and get you back to the healed and happy version of yourself?

I first came across meditation during one of the toughest heartbreaks of my life and I found it so calming and transformative that I use it for so many other areas now!

To some of you it probably seems so hippy and woo woo… I thought that once too…I would roll my eyes if someone told me to meditate (I roll my eyes a lot!)

But now I’m addicted!

Just taking a few moments every morning, in complete solitude surrounded by the soothing sounds and soft voice of the guided meditations has literally changed my life! I now start my day calm and relaxed, instead of frantic and stressed.

Not easy as a single mum!

I Spoke about Guided Meditation in one of my previous posts 3 ways to heal a broken heart . Daily meditation during heartbreak can be a useful tool to getting back on track and feeling your best self!

You can also purchase my journal Heartbroken to healed, where you will get guided help to recover your mind and return to peace!

Heartbroken to healed journal

And remember that Heart break can be caused by many different situations, it is not only due to Relationship Breakups.

Whether you are new to meditation, or already practice daily…

You are in the right place.

But what is guided meditation?

woman practicing meditation

During stressful or painful times, our brains are often going at 100 mph. You are likely replaying scenarios or conversations over and over in your mind and it can be hard to stop. Guided meditations are a soft and soothing way to aid in your healing journey, release feelings of sadness whilst lowering your stress levels.

Traditionally meditation would require sitting in silence or with soft, gentle instruments and sounds playing in the background and you would attempt to free your mind and surrender to your subconscious.

I personally havent yet got to grips with that… my mind is still too busy…

Guided meditations are usually lead by a teacher or narrator who gently guides you through the meditation, giving you a focus so you can truly understand and heal your subconscious mind, thus freeing you from the spiral of over thinking.

It can take you a while to get to grips with this…

I still have trouble with my mind wondering off and rambling down a spiral staircase occasionally…

Hence why I choose guided over un-guided meditation.

But the more you practice this, the less that will happen and the easier it will become to bring yourself back.

How can Meditation soothe my broken heart?

red heart shape, cracked and broken

Heart break is so painful… it can cause very real and excrutiating pain… During heartbreak our bodies are flooded with stress hormones and which cause stress, anxiety and depression.

We can get trapped in a spiral state and we struggle to free ourselves mentally from the emotional pain and trauma to get back into a place of peace and serenity.

Heart break has even been known to cause physical illness and high blood pressure.

Guided meditation will aid to soothe your heart and mind by using a mix of deep breaths and visualisation exercises. This brings you back into the present moment, into your body and regain your inner peace.

It also helps you to process complicated emotions, help you to gain perspective on the situation and bring you back to self-awareness and compassion.

During my hardest break-up, my body literally hurt from head to toe… I had a constant headache and I wanted to sleep all the time… So I was willing to try anything to bring me back to living a happy life!

It took me some trial and error to find meditations that I could get on with. You need to feel comforted and at ease with the narrators voice and some I just didn’t get on with…

Below I have listed the ones that really worked well for me…

5 amazing meditations to heal your broken heart

woman with yellow flowers on her head with her eyes closed and listening to headphones

I have included the spotify links (I do not make any money or recieve any incentives with these links) as that is what i personally use.

But I am aware that there are other platforms such as iTunes where you will also fine these and other amazing guided meditations

As I said, you need to feel at ease with the mediations in order for you to fully immerse yourself into the Visualisation exercises. So some of these won’t be right for you. Please feel free to use this as a starting point and do your research if they do not work for you!

I hope this list has helped you get started.

Feel free to drop us a message in the comment section if you find any more that would benefit others. Or let us know how you found them and if they have helped you on your healing journey.


4 responses to “5 Amazing Guided Meditations To Heal Your Broken Heart”

  1. Thanks for your insights <3 New thought about meditation. I'll try the links for the guided meditations, I think that would be the easy place to start.

    1. That’s great! I hope you find them helpful 🙂

  2. Even if the heart is intact, if it’s overwhelmed and cheerless, meditation works. Yours is a great resource.

    1. You are right. Meditation can be used to so many things. It has become part of my daily routine now… definitely not only for a broken heart.