22 Simple And Soothing Self-Care Ideas for Single Mums

Hey again my lovelies! Are you in need of some much-needed soothing self-care? I have said it before and I will say it again, being a single mum can be a whirlwind of chaos, love, and constant juggling acts. Between work, nappies, school runs, and bedtime stories, it’s easy to forget to take care of the most important person in your little world: YOU. So, grab your favorite mug of coffee (or wine, no judgment here!), make this your first step in self care and take a moment of peace whilst you dive into 22 self-care ideas especially for single mums like us.

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1. Morning Meditation: Starting your day with a few minutes of quiet meditation is one of my favourite pieces of advice I like to dish out which is why I speak on it a lot! It not only sets a positive tone for the day ahead and helps you center yourself amidst the chaos, but can aid in your healing and self-love journey.

2. Journaling: Pouring your heart out on paper and writing down your deepest, thoughts, fears, dreams, and victories! Not only is it so therapeutic but it can really help to declutter your mind, freeing it up for the more important things.

3. Bubble Bath Bliss: I know, self care goes way beyond bubble baths and spa days, but it wont do any harm to treat yourself to a luxurious bubble bath once the kids are tucked in bed. Light some candles, play soothing music, and soak away the day’s stress- Sometimes that is the only time we get to ourselves as a single mum, so make the most of it!

4. Dance Party: Ok so maybe you don’t get to dance the night away with the girls at the weekend anymore, but why not Crank up your favorite tunes and have a spontaneous dance party with your little ones? It’s a fantastic way to bond, get in some exercise, and release pent-up energy.

5. Nature Walks: Get some fresh air and vitamin D (provided your not in the Uk between September and July!) by taking a leisurely stroll in nature. Connect with the natural beauty around you and let go of your worries, even if it is with the little ones tagging along.

6. Phone-Free Hour: Set aside an hour each day to disconnect from your phone and social media. We are so glued to our phones these days, I know I am guilty of this, it is the first thing I pick up in the morning and the last thing I look at before I sleep, it is rarely out of my hand inbetween either! But you can use this time to read a book, play a game with the kids, or simply just enjoy solitude.

7. DIY Spa Day: Pamper yourself with DIY spa treatments at home. Treat your skin to a homemade face mask, indulge in a mani-pedi, and treat yourself like the queen you are.

8. Coffee Date with Friends: Playdates don’t just have to be for the kids! Schedule regular coffee dates with friends who uplift and support you. It’s essential to nurture your relationships outside of being a mum.

9. Yoga Practice: Dust off and Roll out your yoga mat to stretch your body and mind. Yoga is fantastic for relieving tension, improving flexibility, and promoting inner peace. There are some amazing you tube videos even for the least flexible (myself) beginner!

10. Healthy Cooking: Experiment with new recipes and whip up nutritious meals for you and your little ones. Cooking can be a form of self-expression and a way to nourish your body. It is also great to get the kids involved if they are interested and teaches them great life skills!

11. Art Therapy: Get creative with art therapy. Whether it’s painting, drawing, or writing, let your imagination run wild and express yourself freely. Finding your creative side can really help with your confidence too!

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12. Movie Night In: Going to the cinema is overrated! It can be much more fun to enjoy a cozy movie night at home with or without your kids. Snuggle up under blankets, make some popcorn, and enjoy a good movie together without having to worry about them making noise or needing 15 bathroom breaks!

13. Volunteer Work: Give back to your community by volunteering your time and skills. Helping others not only makes a difference but also brings fulfillment and purpose. So if you do find yourself with a bit of time on your hands and don’t know how to fill it- give volunteering a try!

14. Bedtime Ritual: Create a soothing bedtime ritual to help you unwind and prepare for a restful night’s sleep. It could include reading, sipping herbal tea, or practicing gratitude and meditation. Good sleep hygeine is so important for our mental and physical health.

15. Digital Detox Weekend: Declare a digital detox weekend and unplug from all screens. We made a rule that on a Sunday we have a 2 hour period where no tech is allowed! It has been interesting for sure! We spend quality time outdoors, make time for our hobbies, and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones.

16. Online Support Groups: Join online support groups. It can be hard for us to get out without the kids sometimes, but there are plenty of online groups for single parents. It can be so comforting to connect with others who understand your journey and who can offer advice and encouragement when you need it most.

17. Mindful Breathing: Take a few minutes throughout the day to practice mindful breathing. Focus on your breath, inhaling calmness and exhaling stress.

18. Decluttering Session: Clearing out physical clutter not only creates a more serene living space, but also helps to declutter your mind! Simplifying your surroundings can have a profound effect on your mental well-being.

19. Goal Setting: Set goals for yourself, both short-term and long-term. Having something to strive for gives you a sense of purpose and direction, which we can sometimes lack or feel as though we are lacking as single parents.

20. Gratitude Practice: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude by acknowledging the blessings in my life, no matter how small, or how insignificant they seem has really helped shift my focus from lack to abundance. This will help to bring you a sense of peace and calm knowing that you are so blessed.

21. Self-Compassion: Try to remember that you’re doing the best that you can. You are raising human beings alone. That is no easy task! So be gentle with yourself, and give yourself some credit for how amazing you are!

22. Milestone Celebration: Honor all of your accomplishments, no matter how tiny. Recognize and appreciate your resilience, whether it comes from learning a new dish or getting through a difficult day. You are deserving of celebration!

Just remember that self-care isn’t selfish—it’s a necessity. By prioritizing your well-being, you’re able to show up as the most loving, resilient, and unstoppable mum that you are. So, here’s to embracing self-care and reclaiming your power, one mindful moment at a time!