Money Affirmations will grow your wealth. money fan.

101 Powerful Money Affirmations To Attract Abundance

Using money affirmations to attract wealth and abundance is one of the easiest and simplest ways to create an abundance mindset and become a powerful money magnet!

pinterest pin: Woman in a pink coat smiling. Text overlay reads: 101 powerful money affirmations fro wealth and abundance

Many of us struggle with a scarcity mindset. This often comes from childhood experiences and the beliefs placed on us around money and finances.  If you have been using the Law of Attraction to manifest wealth into your life, but feel as though something is blocking these manifestations, then These powerful money affirmations may be just the thing you have been looking for. 

How Can These Positive Money Affirmations Help You To Create A Positive Relationship With Money?


These positive statements work by getting into your subconscious mind and altering your mindset. Repeating daily affirmations over the course of days or weeks has the power to re-write the negative self talk and self-limiting beliefs that run deep in your mind. 

Repeating positive affirmations consistently will help to rewire those limiting beliefs, turn negative self-talk into positive self-talk and bring you into alignment with money and abundance.

Why Would You Use These To Attract Wealth And Abundance?

Many people want to change their financial situation. You may be working towards Financial independence and being more in control of your finances so you can begin to live an abundant life, a better life!

Check out this post on Why You Should Learn To Love Your Money!

The problem is that you need to have a healthy relationship with money in the first place in order to reach your financial goals and draw in large sums of money into your life.

This is why these wealth affirmations are written in the present tense. They enable you to embody them now! Not in the future! Opening up your mind to new positive feelings around money will subconsciously force you to make a positive change in your life. You will begin to attract new opportunities and be open to new avenues of income. 

This List Of Money Affirmations Can Literally Change Your Life

You do not have to repeat all of these everyday. Choose the ones which resonate the most with you. Just remember to repeat daily.

  1. I am always supported financially.
  2. I attract money in many ways..
  3. I allow money to flow into my life with ease.
  4. I create balance with my money. Fun, work, charity, and investment.
  5. I am wealthy beyond measure.
  6. I am rich.
  7. It is safe for me to be rich.
  8. I have plenty of money, and it is always growing.
  9. I spend and save with ease as money continuously flows to me.
  10. My past is not evidence for my future. I am wealthy.
  11. I become more and more abundant each day.
  12. I am worthy and deserving of huge amounts of money.
  13. I acknowledge the abundance all around me.
  14. I appreciate all the ways in which I am currently supported by the universe.
  15. I attract more money than I can even dream of.
  16. Money brings me freedom.
  17. My wealth does not take away from anyone else.
  18. I spend my money and enjoy it, free of guilt.
  19. My wealth helps me to help others all over the world.
  20. I allow myself to dream big.
  21. I do not resist. I let money flow to me.
  22. I feel secure in the knowledge that I always have all the money I need.
  23. I make great decisions around money.
  24. I attract money always, and it often shows up in unexpected ways.
  25. I go with my inspiration and heart-led ambition, which creates my amazingly wealthy life.
  26. It is okay for me to be amazingly wealthy.
  27. The richer I am, the more good I can do in the world.
  28. Money comes to me easily. I do not need to push or strive for it.
  29. Money is safe with me.
  30. Money is neither good nor bad; it is neutral.
  31. I release all negative beliefs around money and accept it as it is.
  32. I can relax, as I know that I always have the money I need.
  33. I find creative, new, and fun ways to make money.
  34. I accept all forms of abundance in my life, knowing I deserve it all.
  35. Money simply flows freely to and from me.
  36. I acknowledge and appreciate every single penny that flows to me, and that helps my money grow.
  37. Money is neutral. There is nothing wrong with having money.
  38. I grow richer and more wealthy each day.
  39. I am financially abundant right now.
  40. I am relaxed and fully supported by money.
  41. I release all worries about money. I feel safe knowing there is always more than enough. Money Is Infinite.
  42. I am tapped into the abundant flow of life and money.
  43. I am well supported and financially stable.
  44. I don’t always see how, but I know money is always there whenever I need it.
  45. Money comes to me with no effort from me.
  46. I deserve only the best in life.
  47. The more money I have, the more I can give to good causes.
  48. Money always supports me fully so I can live my best life.
  49. I am more than worthy of being wealthy
  50. I trust my inner knowledge around money. When I do, it multiples.
  51. It is so freeing to live without having to worry about money.
  52. I let go of my past and today I step into my wealthy new life.
  53. I receive money from many different and surprising avenues.
  54. It is easy to make money. I see opportunities everywhere I look.
  55. Money is always available to me, in unlimited ways.
  56. I am the same person with or without financial wealth. I am good.
  57. I forgive others for doubting my ability to have financial freedom.
  58. I am generous with my wealth and give to others without conditions.
  59. I am very wealthy and I do not have to compromise on what I want.
  60. Each day I relax a little more knowing I am Financially Free.
  61. My life is rich with love, and happiness, and money allows me the time to truly enjoy it.
  62. I now allow all avenues of financial abundance and opportunities to open up to me.
  63. I allow money in my life.
  64. I feel no guilt for wanting and attracting money.
  65. I appreciate money for what it is, a vehicle for freedom.
  66. Money comes to me in unexpected ways.
  67. Making money is easy when I am in alignment with my highest truth.
  68. I release and attract money. It flows to and through me continuously.
  69. I have no doubts about my financial future. I am rich.
  70. I release any past guilt or shame around wanting money.
  71. I use my money wisely and for good.
  72. Money helps me create the life I want to live in.
  73. I accept today’s wealth, whether big or small, as a sign of my growing wealth.
  74. I am what a rich person looks like, I am good enough as I am.
  75. It is okay to want money as it provides support and freedom for me and my family.
  76. There are no limits to the amount of money I always attract.
  77. I am not limited by my mind. The abundance of the Universe is limitless.
  78. I release any stereotypes about rich people. I am rich, I am me, and I am good.
  79. I never hold tightly to money as I know it comes back to me easily.
  80. Today is another successful day.
  81. I inspire others with my financial success.
  82. Money is always there for me when I need it.
  83. I have fun and let money support that fun.
  84. Money comes easily to me everyday with little effort on my part.
  85. No matter how today goes, I know, I am financially wealthy, and that makes me feel good.
  86. Amazing things always happen to me.
  87.  I am a Money Goddess.
  88. I expect and accept miracles in the form of money.
  89. Money helps me take care of myself and my family.
  90. I allow myself to enjoy the pure luxuries of life.
  91. I am financially secure, and I feel so free.
  92. I am thankful for the security and freedom that money has helped me with.
  93. I am grateful for what I already have and request more to keep coming.
  94. I am destined to always be rich.
  95. I feel rich, and I allow great financial wealth to flow into my life.
  96. Because I love myself deeply, I know how to accept money into my life.
  97. Good fortune and wealth are drawn to me.
  98. I make money in my sleep.
  99. I find new ways to make money which are easy and enjoyable.
  100. I do what I enjoy, and I am rewarded well for that.
  101. It is okay for money to come easily to me.

I hope that you will make it a daily habit to use some or all of these Money abundance Affirmations. I promise you that doing this for a few weeks or months will only have a positive impact on your financial life and bring you great abundance.

You can achieve you financial dreams.