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10 Powerful Money Mindset Journal Prompts

If you find yourself stuck in a bit of a rut when it comes to money and finances then maybe you need to do a little bit of work on your money mindset. Often, we don’t realise that it is actually our own beliefs and our relationship with money that are holding us back. That is why I am sharing with you these 10 Journal prompts To Transform your money mindset.

But how do You build a healthy relationship with money? First of all, you need to find ways to heal your financial relationship. There are Many ways in which you can do this, one of them that I personally do regularly is journaling.

Journaling is a great way for you to dive deep into what your mind is telling you about your money and finances.

Using money journal prompts can be a great way to improve your money mindset, break limiting beliefs and develop an abundance mindset. 

Why Journal To Heal Your Money Mindset?

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Journaling has become such an important and prominent part of my healing journey. It is important when healing through anything to reflect, plan, set goals, dream, and even just brain dump to clear our minds. It is a fab way to release all of our random and rambling thoughts we have every day and it can help us to make sense of them.

And with journaling, you can explore your current limiting beliefs about money, identify your fears, realise any negative patterns or thoughts that are holding you back financially, and develop positive mantras to help you shift your mindset in a positive direction.

Journaling practices can also work well alongside meditation and visualisation practices and can be very calming, refreshing, and therapeutic.

You can do these Money Mindset Journal prompts alongside any other journal practice you already do. if you don’t already journal, I suggest doing this first thing in the morning or last thing at night when you are relaxed.

You can add some soft music in the background and light a scented candle if you wish. I do this when I have a bit of extra time on my hands as it is incredibly relaxing and gets me into the right state of mind.

So lets get to the good bit…

What emotions Come Up When I Think About Money?

Write down what emotions come up when you think about money.

Some of the most common emotions that pop up if we have a poor money mindset are:

Be honest here. It may feel uncomfortable, and you may not know why you have these feelings. But just write down whatever emotions form when you think of money.

It is important to become aware of these emotions that you have latched onto money, as these emotions are what cause your actions, even subconsciously.

What Limiting Beliefs Around Money are currently Holding You Back?

These are the Ideas that you hold around money. They are usually ingrained in us from our childhood and upbringing. But These limiting beliefs are what creates Your relationship with money, how you make money, and your worthiness of having money.

So what are your limiting beliefs? Some examples of limiting beliefs are:

These are just a few examples. You may have different limiting beliefs, but work from here and take not of what comes up for you. Although it may not seem like it, it is possible to change your limiting beliefs.

What Is Your First Memory Of Money?

Jot down your first ever memory surrounding money. Good or bad. Was it receiving money for your birthday? Maybe it was someone stealing from you. Or your parents arguing over money.

Whatever it is, remembering our first experiences with money will give us a clue as to why we feel this way towards it.

Write Down A Time When Money Showed Up For You When You Needed It.

Even if we cannot see it, money has always been there for us. Maybe in small ways, or ways we have not noticed. But it has always been there. And if we look hard enough, we can noticed little ways it has showed up in our past unexpectedly when we have needed it the most.

This doesn’t mean winning the lottery, or coming into some inheritance. If those things have happened to you then write them down. But it could mean that it has manifested in smaller, less bold ways.

Have you found a £5 note when you had not money for the bus. Or you have been given a refund on something when you weren’t expecting it?

I remember one time my electric company had made a mistake and had been over charging me. I was struggling to find the money for food and bills that week when I got the letter to say that I was £600 in credit and I could have it refunded.

That was a larger surprised and it really saved my bacon that month! that to me was proof that money is always there for me when I need it and I am grateful for that!

What Does My Ideal Financial Future Look like?

photo of person holding cup

This is one of my absolute favourite Money Mindset journal prompts. This one fills me with excitement every time, which is exactly what we are aiming to do here!

Visualise what your Financial future looks like. Are you making a tonne of passive income? Is your bank account always full? Can you afford luxuries and know that you are financially free for the rest of your life?

That is the ultimate goal here. Write down exactly how you envision your financial future to be.

What Can I Do To Cultivate A Positive And Abundant Money Mindset?

There are plenty of daily exercises and rituals that can help you to cultivate an Abundant Money Mindset. Take a moment to think of all the different practices and habits that can help uplevel your Money Mindset. Things such as affirmations, visualization exercises, and gratitude practices can have a major positive impact on your finances, so find something that works well for you.

What Would You Do If You Had An Unlimited Amount Of Money?

This is another favourite of mine, just as above, you can really go to town on your dreams here. When I get to this part, I like to open Pinterest and create a vision board (or take a look at one I already have if it still aligns).

What would YOU really do if money wasn’t an option?

Don’t hold back. let your wildest dreams come alive on paper!

What Can I Do Today To Improve My Finances?

Upleveling your money mindset helps you to open your mind to new possibilities and ways to make and keep money. Think of one thing you could do today to improve your finances in a positive way.

Maybe you could have a Money Date, or transfer a small amount into your savings as a starter for getting your finances on track.

Also check out these Money apps. They can help you in many ways to get a hold of your finances and will make you feel so much more excited about them.

What Three Things Can I Do To Increase My Income?

pinterest pin: photo of journal and coffee. Text overlay reads:10 powerful money mindset journal prompts

There are unlimited ways you can bring some extra money into your life. And it doesn’t have to mean hustling harder either!

Maybe you have some extra books, gadgets or clothes laying around that you could pop on Vinted.

Or you could always find a new, fun Side Hustle or find ways to make some Passive Income.

Always remember do not limit yourself!

Three Money Affirmations That I Will Repeat Daily.

How do you speak about money? Either out load or in your mind? Are you speaking negatively? If so then making Positive Money Affirmations a Part Of Your Daily Routine is the perfect thing for you!

These could be done first thing in the morning on a regular basis, or you could say them each time a negative thought or feeling around money comes up.

I would pick three from this list to start with and write them down.

I hope you have found these Money Mindset Journaling Prompts helpful and will begin to work them into your daily journaling practices.

Happy Journaling 🙂


One response to “10 Powerful Money Mindset Journal Prompts”

  1. This was a great read.