10 Confidence Boosting Affirmations For Single Mums Dating

Navigating the Dating world these days is far from an easy ride for so many of us. But Single Mum Dating encompasses a whole set of new challenges and hurdles. Not only are we trying to weed out the weirdos and douchbags on the dating sites, we are also up against time restraints, childcare issues, and single parent stereotypes. Not to mention the loss of confidence that often can come from being a single mother, especially if you have been through a tough breakup or have been out of the dating scene for a while. This is where affirmations come in. Affirmations play a huge part in shifting your mindset and creating new thoughts and feelings. In this post I want to share with you some fantastic confidence boosting affirmations for single mums that will help you to gain back some dating confidence!

The Challenges of Dating as a Single Mum

As a single mum the challenges are many, and that is without adding dating into the mix. Dating as a single woman and dating as a dating as a single mum are often two very different experiences. We not only have to think about what we want, or who we want, but also what is best for our children.

Unfortunately in the world of online dating especially, we are often faced with a lot of unsavory charactors, and people who we would never want around our children. And talking of children we have to try and navigate this dating thing around childcare. Between work, running a business, taking care of three kids alone, healing from abuse and trauma, dating was often a very scary and almost impossible idea for me.

More often than not our self-confidence takes a hit as a single mum too. Whether that is through our changing bodies, going through abuse, or even because we have neglected our own self-care in the midst of motherhood.

I know these were all very real issues for me. But building up your self-confidence and cultivating a positive mindset, you can overcome a lot of these challenges and start seeing dating as a more positive and enjoyable experience.

I have been able to build my confidence back up to a point where I felt ready, willing and able to put myself out there again, and I really want to help you do the same.

The Power of Affirmations

Positive Affirmations are possitive words that you repeat to yourself on a daily basis helping you to reshape your thoughts and beliefs. This creates a mindset shift from one of scarcity or lack, to one of abundance and positivity.

Affirmations are often used alongside other manifestation and Law Of Attraction techniques and are considered to be a very powerful way to align your energy with that which you are wanting to bring in to your physical world.

When it comes down to using these Affirmations for dating, they may help you to shift your mindset from “No one will want me as a single mum.” to “I am worthy of love no matter my circumstances.”

These ones in particular will no doubt help you to build up your confidence in the dating world again!

How to Use Affirmations Effectively

The thing I love most about affirmations is that they are so easy to add into your daily routine!

Having a solid and non-negotiable self-care routine is so important for single mums as I have said many times before… and these little gems can easily be added in.

I personally like to say my chosen affirmations whilst doing my skincare routine in the morning. That way I am killing two birds with one stone and getting as much self love and self care in as possible befor I have even left the house or started work!

But every one does it differently. So pick the affirmations that feel right to you and add them in to your day wherevery you can.

10 Confidence-Boosting Affirmations for Dating as a Single Mum

Here are my ten affirmations specifically designed to boost confidence for single mums in the dating scene:

“I am worthy of love and respect just as I am.”

Reinforces self-worth and acceptance.

“I am confident, beautiful, and deserving of a healthy relationship.”

Promotes self-confidence and the belief in deserving a good partner.

“I trust my instincts and know what is best for me and my children.”

Encourages trust in one’s own judgment, crucial for dating as a parent.

“I attract positive, loving, and supportive people into my life.”

Focuses on attracting the right kind of energy and people.

“I release any fears or doubts about dating and embrace new experiences.”

Helps to let go of anxiety and open up to new possibilities.

“I am strong, independent, and can balance love and motherhood.”

Empowers the ability to manage both personal and parental roles successfully.

“I deserve a partner who values me and my children.”

Affirms the standard of only accepting partners who respect the family dynamic.

“I am open to love and new relationships without compromising my values.”

Balances openness to new experiences with maintaining personal values.

“Every date is a step closer to finding the right partner for me.”

Encourages seeing each dating experience as progress, not a setback.

“I love and accept myself, and I am ready to share that love with someone special.”

Cultivates self-love as the foundation for healthy relationships.